Thursday, May 30, 2019

Internet Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Internet links people together via reckoner terminals and telephone lines(and in some cases wireless radio connections) in a web of networks and divided software. This allows users to communicate with one anotherwherever they are in the net." This Internet link began as the United Statesmilitary project Agency Network progress Research (ARPANET) duringthe Vietnam War in 1969. It was developed by the United StatesDepartment of Defenses (DOD) research people in conjunction with variouscontractors and universities to canvass the probability of a communicationnetwork that could survive a nuclear attack. For the first decade that theInternet was in existence, it was primarily used to facilitate electronic mail,support on line discussion groups, allow access to distant databases, andsupport the transfer of files between g everywherenment agencies, companies anduniversities. Today over 15 gazillion people in the United States andapproximately 25 million people worldwide access the Internet regularly,including children. Many parents believe that depriving their children of theopportunity to learn computer skills and access the knowledge available onthe Internet would give them a distinct techno logical disadvantage as theyenter the twenty first century. Portelli and Mead carry by the year 2002, thereported number of children who access the Internet from home is projectedto increase from the current 10 million to 20 million (6). In addition to homeaccess, Poretelli and Meads further stated that as of 1997 the percentage ofUnited States schools that offered Internet access as a part of their regularcurriculum was over sixty percent. There were over nine thousand publiclibraries across America in 1997, sixty percent of these offered on-lineaccess to its users (7). In escort of this information, one can concluded that theon-line percentage for both schools and libraries has increased notably since1997 and the number continues to grow as more of these facilit ies plug inand log on." Whether at home, at school, or at the public library, children areaccessing the Internet. The word children is somewhat ambiguousconsidering the range of ages that it encompasses. For instance, eighteen isthe normally accepted age at which a child reaches legal adulthood therefore,children would refer to any age between birth and seventeen. Porterfie... ...n. February 1999. 2 Cummins, H. J.War Games - Are Video Games No distinct Than Military TrainingSimulations? Are We Teaching Our Children To Kill ? Minneapolis StarTribune. January 1999. 1E Denerstein, Robert. Into the Heart of Darkness -Two Killers Lived in Suburbs, But Inhabited Their Own Twilight of Colorado Rocky Mountain News. April 1999. 31A Durkin, Keith F. Misuseof the Internet by Pedophiles Implications for Law Enforcement andProbation Practice. Federal Probation. September 1997. 14-18 Groves,Howard. Conduct of Life. Christian Science Monitor. 16 March 1999 24CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOh ost. April. 1999 Madden, Lisa. What DangersLurks Behind that Screen. New Hampshire Business Review. 15 August1999 14 CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Sources Cited Portelli,Christopher J. And Mead, Coralie W. Censorship and the Internet - NoEasy Answers. Contemporary Womens Issues. October 1998 4-8CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Porterfield, Deborah. AskParents wherefore They Want a Computer and Youll Hear... Gannett NewsService. June 1997. CD-ROM. UMI- EBSCOhost. April. 1999 Rushkoff,Douglas. Are Screenagers Wiser Than Adults ? USA Weekend. June1999. 12

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